General print data specifications

Data specifications for general printing

Your artwork's quality is just as important as the music itself. Proper preparation of your design for printing is crucial to ensure that the final product meets your expectations and professional standards.

Here are some general guidelines to consider when preparing your artwork for vinyl record printing:

– pay attention to additional, product specific specifications

– accepted file formats: PDF, TIFF

– deliver the front and back as separate files

– name data for each side and version uniquely

– vector graphics preferred, pixel graphics with min. resolution of 300 dpi as well as true to scale 1:1

– embed fonts/ convert into paths

– no cutting marks, register marks, colour control strips or cutting lines

let the background colour continue to run in bleed

– leave 2 mm margin between text/important information and cutting line

– colour mode: CMYK/grayscale, 8 bit/channel

– provide special colours as Pantone

– colour application between 10% - 300%.

– provide black and grey objects as pure black (C0 M0 Y0 K100), for deep black for backgrounds and areas add additional colour parts (e.g. C40 M0 Y0 K100), set black text and thin lines to “overprint”

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Polvinyl sp. z o.o.

Tadeusza Kościuszki 43 / 10
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NIP 6343007921
KRS 0000959666

Tel:  +48.730 145 728

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©  Copyright POLVINYL SP. Z O.O. 2024.

Polvinyl sp. z o.o.

Tadeusza Kościuszki 43 / 10
40-048 Katowice

NIP 6343007921
KRS 0000959666

Tel:  +48.730 145 728

©  Copyright POLVINYL SP. Z O.O. 2024.