Cutting studio

From audio signal to physical duplicate

The cutting system transmits the acoustic information to the lacquer foil or copper blank during the cutting process.

Two coils, one for the left channel and the other for the right channel, and a magnet equip the cutting head.

Current flow causes the magnet to move in response to the audio signal. The stylus at the end of the cutting head receives this motion. This movement is visible and perceptible as a groove on the lacquer foil or copper blank.

The cut establishes the template for the subsequent pressing. This implies that a modification to the aural material (e.g., the track sequence) is exclusively feasible by implementing a new cut.


The appropriate mastering is the foundation of a high-quality record. It is not feasible to transfer digital files to an analog medium. Therefore, we must adjust the audio to avoid distortion and preserve the original quality of sound.

We offer digital or analog pre-mastering to maximize your music's potential.

The following guide values determine the duration of each page:


This is a traditional vinyl format.

We record the music onto a lacquered aluminum disc.

We use a Neumann VMS70 with an SX74 cutting head and a Pitch13 system, specifically designed to improve feed control compared to the original.



We are a cutting studio that is one of the few in the world to possess a Neumann VMS82, which enables us to generate DMM cuts. This procedure achieves direct metal mastering by cutting the cut onto a copper blank instead of lacquer foil.

The primary benefit of DMM cutting is its reduced susceptibility to external noise, such as crackling. This process is particularly well-suited for music that is quiet and has an extended playing time.

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Polvinyl sp. z o.o.

Tadeusza Kościuszki 43 / 10
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Tel:  +48.730 145 728

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©  Copyright POLVINYL SP. Z O.O. 2024.

Polvinyl sp. z o.o.

Tadeusza Kościuszki 43 / 10
40-048 Katowice

NIP 6343007921
KRS 0000959666

Tel:  +48.730 145 728

©  Copyright POLVINYL SP. Z O.O. 2024.