Classic examples of vinyl colours


Vinyl records have come a long way from the traditional black discs, and today, they are available in a vibrant array of colors and finishes.

This diversity not only enhances the visual appeal of records but also allows artists and labels to create unique, collectible items that stand out in the market.

Our pressing plant offers a wide range of color options for vinyl production, catering to various artistic visions and marketing strategies.

The basic color palette includes: Classic black Vibrant solid colors (blue, green, light green, purple, red, yellow) Transparent variations, including blue, clear, red, and yellow, are available. Metallic options (silver) Eco-friendly vinyl Pure white

For more detailed information and high-resolution images of our color options, please refer to the attached PDF file.

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Polvinyl sp. z o.o.

Tadeusza Kościuszki 43 / 10
40-048 Katowice

NIP 6343007921
KRS 0000959666

Tel:  +48.730 145 728

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©  Copyright POLVINYL SP. Z O.O. 2024.

Polvinyl sp. z o.o.

Tadeusza Kościuszki 43 / 10
40-048 Katowice

NIP 6343007921
KRS 0000959666

Tel:  +48.730 145 728

©  Copyright POLVINYL SP. Z O.O. 2024.